I made this dish up on a whim. Elise and I were at the market and I saw some pretty Lacinato kale and gorgeous multi-colored baby potatoes. I knew I had to combine them somehow, and I liked the idea of “eggs in a nest,” especially around Easter. Lacinato, also known as cavolo nero or dinosaur kale, is pretty much the darkest green vegetable I know of. It is more tender than regular kale, and its leaves are deeply savoyed—crinkled, like savoy cabbage, which is lacinato kale’s cousin. If you can’t find lacinato kale, don’t use regular kale as a substitute, use chard instead. I cook the potatoes in stock here, which looks wasteful but it’s not: You can reuse the potato-enriched stock in another recipe. It is great as a base for polenta or rice. Drain (you can reserve the stock and water to cook rice or polenta with later) and coat the potatoes with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Salt well and set aside. Add the garlic and toss to combine, then add the red pepper flakes and some salt and black pepper. Stir-fry this for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the pan. Wait 2-4 minutes before uncovering. Salt-Crusted Baby Potatoes - from 101 Cookbooks Sauteed Dinosaur Kale with Garlic - from No Recipes